11 Types of Cockroaches

Cockroaches are classified into various types based on characteristics and habits. Now, let’s take a closer look at the different types of cockroaches and their unique features.

Cockroaches, one of the most common household pests, come in various types, each with distinct characteristics and habits. These resilient insects are known for their ability to adapt and survive in diverse environments, making them a constant nuisance in homes and businesses worldwide.

By understanding the different types of cockroaches, we can develop effective strategies to prevent infestations and minimize their impact on our lives. We will explore the characteristics and habits of various cockroach species, enlightening you on the diverse world of these formidable pests.

American Cockroach

The American cockroach is one of the common types of cockroaches found in the United States. It is known for its large size and reddish-brown color, and it can be found in both indoor and outdoor environments.

American Cockroach

The American cockroach, scientifically known as Periplaneta americana, is one of the largest cockroach species found around the world. Here are some key points to know about American cockroaches:

  • Appearance: American cockroaches are reddish-brown in color and have a distinctive yellowish figure-8 pattern behind their heads. They have long antennae and are about 1.5 to 2 inches in length.
  • Habits and Behavior: American cockroaches are primarily outdoor insects but can enter buildings in search of food and water. They are attracted to warm and moist areas, making basements, kitchens, and bathrooms their favorite spots. They can fly short distances and are fast runners.
  • Diet: These cockroaches are omnivorous and feed on a wide range of organic materials. They consume anything from crumbs, garbage, and food scraps to decaying plants and other insects.
  • Lifespan: American cockroaches have a relatively long lifespan compared to other cockroach species, averaging around one year.
  • Health Risks: American cockroaches are known carriers of various pathogens and can contaminate food and surfaces, leading to the spread of diseases like Salmonella and E. Coli. Their shed skin and feces can also trigger allergies in some individuals.
  • Identification: To identify an American cockroach, look for its large size, reddish-brown color, and the distinctive yellow figure-8 pattern on its head.
  • Control and Prevention: To control American cockroach infestations, it’s important to eliminate their food and water sources, seal any cracks or openings through which they can enter, and maintain cleanliness and sanitation. If the infestation persists, professional pest control measures may be necessary.

Remember, proper identification and control methods are crucial in managing American cockroach infestations. If you’re unsure of the type of cockroach you’re dealing with or need assistance in dealing with an infestation, it’s recommended to consult a pest control professional for guidance.

German Cockroach

The German cockroach is a common type of cockroach that can infest homes and businesses. This pest is known for its small size and ability to quickly reproduce, making it difficult to eliminate once an infestation occurs. It is important to take prompt action to prevent and control German cockroach infestations.

German Cockroach

Cockroaches are a common household pest and come in various species. One of the most prevalent types is the German cockroach. Known for their small size and quick infestation rate, German cockroaches can be found in homes, restaurants, and commercial buildings.

Let’s take a closer look at this species:

  • Appearance:
  • German cockroaches are light brown or tan in color with two dark stripes running parallel from their head to wings.
  • They have a small size, measuring about 1/2 to 5/8 inches in length.
  • Their wings are not fully developed, so they rely on crawling to get around.
  • Habitat:
  • German cockroaches prefer warm and humid environments, making kitchens and bathrooms their favorite nesting spots.
  • They hide in cracks and crevices near food and water sources, such as behind appliances, beneath sinks, and around drains.
  • Cluttered areas provide them with additional hiding places and make it easier for them to breed and infest.
  • Behavior and reproduction:
  • German cockroaches are nocturnal creatures, preferring to come out at night to search for food and water.
  • They are omnivorous, feeding on anything from leftover food to soap residue and toothpaste.
  • Female German cockroaches can lay up to 40 eggs at a time and can produce multiple egg capsules in their lifetime.
  • The eggs hatch in about one month, and the nymphs undergo several molts before becoming adults.
  • Health risks:
  • German cockroaches are known carriers of bacteria, pathogens, and allergens, posing a risk to human health.
  • They contaminate food and surfaces with their feces, shed skin, and saliva, contributing to the spread of diseases.
  • Individuals with asthma or allergies may experience worsened symptoms in the presence of German cockroach infestations.
  • Prevention and control:
  • Good sanitation practices, such as keeping areas clean and free of crumbs, are essential in preventing German cockroach infestations.
  • Sealing cracks and crevices, repairing leaks, and removing clutter can help eliminate potential hiding spots.
  • If an infestation occurs, professional pest control treatments may be necessary to effectively eradicate the German cockroach population.

Remember, swift action is crucial when dealing with a German cockroach infestation to prevent them from multiplying and causing further damage. By understanding their habits and implementing preventive measures, you can keep your home cockroach-free. Stay vigilant and take the necessary steps to protect your living space.

Oriental Cockroach

The Oriental cockroach is one type of cockroach commonly found in households. Its dark brown or black color and preference for damp areas make it easily distinguishable from other cockroach species.

Oriental Cockroach

The Oriental cockroach is a prevalent species of cockroach that is known for its dark brown to black color and shiny appearance. Often referred to as a water bug, this type of cockroach prefers damp and cool areas, making it commonly found in basements, sewers, and other dark and humid spaces.

Here are some key characteristics and habits of the Oriental cockroach:

  • Appearance: Oriental cockroaches are typically 1 to 1.25 inches long, with females being slightly larger than males. They have a stout body and short wings that are incapable of flight.
  • Color: The Oriental cockroach is dark brown to black in color, with a glossy appearance. The males have wings that cover three-quarters of their abdomen, while the females have shorter wings.
  • Habitat: Unlike other cockroach species, Oriental cockroaches prefer cool and humid environments. They can often be found in basements, crawl spaces, sewers, and other areas with high moisture levels.
  • Diet: Oriental cockroaches are primarily scavengers and will eat almost anything, including decaying organic matter, garbage, and even other insects. They are particularly attracted to starchy and sugary foods.
  • Behavior: These cockroaches are mainly active at night and are relatively slow-moving compared to other species. They can tolerate colder temperatures and are known to survive in freezing conditions for short periods.
  • Reproduction: Oriental cockroaches have a relatively long life cycle, with females producing an egg case (ootheca) every few weeks. Each ootheca contains approximately 16 eggs and is carried by the female until the eggs are ready to hatch.
  • Health Concerns: While Oriental cockroaches are not known to transmit as many diseases as other cockroach species, they can still contaminate food and surfaces with bacteria. Their presence can also trigger allergies and asthma in some individuals.

Understanding the characteristics and habits of the Oriental cockroach can help in effective pest management and prevention. Regular cleaning, sealing cracks and crevices, and reducing moisture levels can significantly reduce their infestation potential.

Smoky brown Cockroach

The smokybrown cockroach is one of the common types of cockroaches found in many areas. It is known for its smoky brown color and can be an unwelcome guest in homes and buildings.

Smoky brown Cockroach

The Smokybrown cockroach, also known as Periplaneta fuliginosa, is a common species found in various parts of the United States. Here are some key points to know about this particular type of cockroach:

  • Appearance:
  • The Smokybrown cockroach is larger in size compared to other common cockroach species, measuring about 1.5 inches in length.
  • It has a shiny, dark brown to mahogany coloration, with a uniformly dark, almost black color on its body. The wings of the adults are either fully developed or slightly shorter than their abdomen.
  • Nymphs, which are the immature stages, appear lighter in color, typically gray or brown. They lack wings and have a more translucent appearance.
  • Habitat:
  • Smokybrown cockroaches prefer warm and moist environments, making them commonly found outdoors in regions with high humidity levels.
  • They are typically found in wooded areas, around trees, and in decaying organic matter such as leaf litter, mulch, and compost piles.
  • These roaches can also enter buildings and homes through gaps, cracks, and openings, seeking shelter and sources of food.
  • Behavior:
  • The Smokybrown cockroach is primarily active during the night and is considered a strong flier.
  • They are attracted to sources of light and may gather around outdoor lighting fixtures.
  • Smokybrown cockroaches are omnivorous, feeding on both plant materials and a wide range of organic matter, including dead insects and other animal materials.
  • Prevention and Control:
  • To prevent Smokybrown cockroaches from entering your home or building, it is important to seal any cracks or openings where they could gain entry.
  • Proper sanitation and regular cleaning can help eliminate potential food sources for these roaches.
  • Reducing moisture levels by fixing leaks and improving ventilation can also discourage their presence.

The Smokybrown cockroach is a larger species of cockroach commonly found outdoors in humid regions. They are attracted to light and can enter buildings, but proper preventive measures and cleanliness can help control their infestation.

Brown-Banded Cockroach

The brown-banded cockroach is a common type of cockroach known for its distinctive brown bands across its wings and abdomen. It prefers warm, dry environments and can be found in homes and buildings, making it a nuisance pest.

Brown-Banded Cockroach

The Brown-Banded Cockroach, scientifically known as Supella longipalpa, is a common household pest found across the United States. These nocturnal insects are named after the distinctive light brown bands that run across their wings and abdomen. Here are some key features and behaviors of the Brown-Banded Cockroach:

  • Appearance:
  • Adult brown-banded cockroaches measure about half an inch in length.
  • Their bodies are light brown in color, with noticeable dark brown bands across their wings.
  • Males have longer wings that extend beyond their abdomen, while females have shorter wings.
  • Both males and females possess long antennae.
  • Habitat:
  • Brown-banded cockroaches prefer warm and dry environments.
  • They are commonly found in homes and other buildings, including apartments, offices, and hotels.
  • These roaches tend to stay away from moisture and are often found in higher areas, such as ceilings, upper cabinets, and behind wallpaper.
  • Unlike other species, they do not require as much water to survive.
  • Diet:
  • Brown-banded cockroaches are omnivores and will eat almost anything.
  • Their diet includes a wide range of food sources, including starchy and sweet items, proteins, and even non-food materials such as glue and book bindings.
  • Behavior:
  • Like most cockroaches, brown-banded cockroaches are nocturnal creatures, preferring to come out at night to search for food.
  • They are excellent climbers and have the ability to move vertically and even upside down on smooth surfaces.
  • These roaches also have the tendency to hide in cracks and crevices, which makes them difficult to detect.
  • Health Risks:
  • While brown-banded cockroaches are not known to be major disease carriers like some other species, they can still pose health risks.
  • Roach droppings and shed skin can trigger allergies and asthma in sensitive individuals.
  • Additionally, their presence in food storage areas can contaminate food, leading to potential foodborne illnesses.

Understanding the characteristics and habits of the Brown-Banded Cockroach can help homeowners and pest control professionals better identify and prevent infestations.

Florida Woods Cockroach

The Florida Woods Cockroach is a common type of cockroach found in Florida and is known for its ability to live and adapt to wooded areas. It is a resilient insect that can survive in various environments, making it a significant pest in the region.

Florida Woods Cockroach

Florida Woods Cockroach is a common species of cockroach found in the southeastern United States. While they may resemble other cockroaches at first glance, this particular species has distinguishing characteristics that set it apart. If you have ever encountered a Florida Woods Cockroach or are curious to learn more about them, read on to discover some interesting facts.


  • The Florida Woods Cockroach, also known as the Eurycotis floridana, is a large cockroach species that can measure up to 1.5 inches in length.
  • These cockroaches have a dark brown or black exoskeleton with a glossy appearance.
  • Unlike other cockroaches, Florida Woods Cockroaches have distinctive wings that extend beyond the length of their abdomen.


  • Florida Woods Cockroaches are primarily nocturnal creatures, preferring to be active during the nighttime hours.
  • These cockroaches are excellent climbers and are often found in trees, shrubs, and other vegetation.
  • They are also highly adapted to living in moist environments, such as forested areas and wooded regions.
  • Florida Woods Cockroaches are omnivorous and will feed on a variety of organic matter, including decaying plant material and other insects.


  • As the name suggests, Florida Woods Cockroaches are commonly found in wooded areas, such as forests and swamps.
  • These cockroaches are particularly prevalent in the southern regions of Florida, where the climate is warm and humid.
  • They are also known to inhabit other states in the southeastern United States, including Georgia and South Carolina.

Pest Control

  • While Florida Woods Cockroaches primarily prefer their natural outdoor habitats, they may occasionally find their way into homes or buildings.
  • To prevent infestations, it is crucial to eliminate sources of moisture and reduce clutter in and around your property.
  • Additionally, sealing cracks and crevices and maintaining proper sanitation can help deter these cockroaches from entering your living spaces.

If you ever come across a Florida Woods Cockroach, it is essential to remember that they are relatively harmless and do not pose significant health risks. However, if their presence becomes a nuisance, contacting a pest control professional is recommended.

Pennsylvania Wood Cockroach

One of the types of cockroaches is the Pennsylvania Wood Cockroach, known for its preference for outdoor habitats and ability to fly. These roaches are often found in wooded areas and can occasionally make their way indoors.

Pennsylvania Wood Cockroach

The Pennsylvania Wood Cockroach, scientifically known as Parcoblatta pennsylvanica, is a common species found in North America. While it falls under the cockroach family, it differs from its notorious cousins in several ways. Let’s explore some interesting facts about the Pennsylvania Wood Cockroach:

  • Physical Appearance: The Pennsylvania Wood Cockroach is medium-sized, measuring between 1 to 1.25 inches in length. It has a distinct brown color and long wings that extend past its abdomen. Unlike other cockroach species, the Pennsylvania Wood Cockroach has a streamlined body and can fly.
  • Habitat: As the name suggests, the Pennsylvania Wood Cockroach prefers woodland areas and can often be found amidst leaf litter, logs, and fallen trees. It thrives in moist environments, such as under bark or in wood piles, but can also adapt to urban settings.
  • Behavior: Unlike their indoor-dwelling counterparts, Pennsylvania Wood Cockroaches are not considered household pests. They are primarily active during the warmer months and are attracted to light sources in the evening. These creatures are more commonly encountered outdoors than inside homes or buildings.
  • Diet: Pennsylvania Wood Cockroaches are omnivores and have a diverse diet. They primarily feed on decaying organic matter and plant material, including leaves, fungi, and other insects. This makes them valuable contributors to ecological systems as decomposers.
  • Lifecycle: The lifecycle of Pennsylvania Wood Cockroaches consists of three main stages: egg, nymph, and adult. Females lay their eggs within a protective casing called an ootheca. After hatching, the nymphs resemble smaller versions of adults and undergo multiple molts before reaching maturity.
  • Beneficial Role: While they may not be welcomed indoors, Pennsylvania Wood Cockroaches play an essential role in maintaining ecosystem balance. As decomposers, these roaches aid in the breakdown of dead plant material, helping to recycle nutrients back into the soil.

Asian Cockroach

The Asian cockroach is one of the many types of cockroaches found worldwide. This invasive species is known for its ability to fly and can infest homes and gardens, posing a nuisance to homeowners.

Asian Cockroach

The Asian cockroach is a common species found in many parts of Asia. This specific type of cockroach has unique characteristics that distinguish it from other cockroach species. Let’s take a closer look at the Asian cockroach:


  • Small in size, about 1.2 centimeters long
  • Yellowish tan to light brown color
  • Long, narrow wings that extend beyond their body length
  • Easily mistaken for the German cockroach due to their similar appearance, but can be differentiated by their flight capability and preference for outdoor habitats

Habitat And Behavior:

  • Primarily found in outdoor environments such as gardens, compost piles, and around decaying vegetation
  • Active during the evening and night, seeking refuge in cooler areas during the day
  • Excellent fliers and are attracted to outdoor lights, often swarming around them
  • Unlike other cockroaches, the Asian cockroach is attracted to light and tends to fly towards it rather than scattering away
  • Not typically found infesting households, preferring to stay outdoors


  • Feeds on organic matter, including decaying plant material, fruits, and grains
  • Occasionally attracted to lights that lead them to sources of food, such as outdoor garbage cans or leftover food scraps


  • Generally considered a nuisance pest rather than a significant threat to humans
  • Can become a problem in agricultural areas, damaging crops and consuming stored grains

Control Measures:

  • The best method of control is to eliminate their access to indoor areas by sealing cracks and crevices in windows, doors, and screens
  • Outdoor lighting should be kept to a minimum and focused away from entrances to prevent attraction and entry
  • Regular sanitation practices, such as proper waste management and removal of decaying vegetation, can reduce their presence in outdoor habitats

Understanding the characteristics and habits of the Asian cockroach can help homeowners and gardeners develop effective pest control strategies. By taking appropriate measures to minimize their access to indoor areas and practicing good sanitation, we can keep these pests at bay and maintain a comfortable living environment.

Australian Cockroach

The Australian cockroach is one of the many types of cockroaches found worldwide. These insects are known for their reddish-brown coloration and can be found in various habitats, including homes and gardens. They are considered a nuisance pest due to their ability to spread diseases and create unsanitary living conditions.

Australian Cockroach

The Australian Cockroach, scientifically known as Periplaneta australasiae, is a common species of cockroach found in Australia and other parts of the world. These resilient insects have managed to adapt to a wide range of environments and can often be found in gardens, leaf litter, and even inside homes.

Here are a few key characteristics and behaviors of the Australian Cockroach:

  • Appearance: The Australian Cockroach is typically reddish-brown in color with a pronotum (shield-like plate) that has yellow markings. They have a streamlined body, long antennae, and wings that enable them to fly short distances.
  • Habitat: Australian Cockroaches prefer warm and humid environments, and they thrive in outdoor areas such as compost heaps, garden beds, and trees. However, they can also find their way indoors, seeking shelter in kitchens, bathrooms, and basements.
  • Diet: These cockroaches are omnivorous, feeding on a variety of organic matter. They consume decaying plant material, fungi, and even insects. Inside homes, they may be attracted to food crumbs, pet food, and other sources of sustenance.
  • Life Cycle: The Australian Cockroach undergoes incomplete metamorphosis, which means it goes through three life stages: egg, nymph, and adult. The female cockroach lays capsules containing around 16 eggs that are carried until they are ready to hatch.
  • Behavior: Australian Cockroaches are primarily active at night, using their excellent nocturnal vision and scent receptors to find food and mates. They are also fast runners and can quickly scuttle away to hide when disturbed.
  • Pest Status: While Australian Cockroaches are generally considered to be nuisance pests, they can become a problem when they infest homes in large numbers. They can contaminate food, trigger asthma and allergies, and carry disease-causing organisms.

The Australian Cockroach is a resilient and adaptable species found in Australia and beyond. Their appearance, habitat preferences, diet, life cycle, and behavior contribute to their survival in various environments. Though usually considered a nuisance, their presence in large numbers can lead to health and hygiene concerns.

Understanding their characteristics is crucial for effective pest management both indoors and outdoors.

Madagascar Hissing Cockroach

The Madagascar Hissing Cockroach is a unique species of cockroach known for its distinct hissing sound and large size. It is one of the many types of cockroaches found worldwide.

Madagascar Hissing Cockroach

Madagascar Hissing Cockroach is a unique and interesting species of cockroach that has captivated the attention of many insect enthusiasts. Native to the island of Madagascar, these roaches are known for their distinctive hissing sound when disturbed. Here’s what you need to know about Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches:

  • Appearance: These roaches can grow up to 3 inches in length, making them one of the larger species of cockroaches. They have a shiny, dark brown or black exoskeleton, with pronounced spines on their thorax. Males can be easily distinguished by the horns on their head and their larger size compared to females.
  • Behavior: Despite their intimidating appearance, Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches are relatively docile and make great pets for those interested in keeping insects. They are not known to bite humans and are quite harmless. As their name suggests, when they feel threatened or agitated, they produce a hissing sound by expelling air through specialized spiracles.
  • Diet: In the wild, these roaches primarily feed on decaying organic matter, fallen fruits, and dead insects. In captivity, they can be fed a diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as commercial roach diet products that are rich in essential nutrients.
  • Lifespan: Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches have a relatively long lifespan compared to other cockroach species, with males living up to 2-5 years and females living up to 3-7 years. This extended lifespan makes them a popular choice for educational purposes and as pets.
  • Reproduction: Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches are ovoviviparous, meaning that females give birth to live nymphs instead of laying eggs. A female can produce up to 60 nymphs in her lifetime. These nymphs undergo several molts before reaching adulthood.
  • Environmental Requirements: These roaches prefer warm and humid conditions, similar to their native habitat in Madagascar. They thrive at temperatures around 75-90°F (24-32°C) with a humidity level of 60-70%. Providing them with a suitable substrate and hiding places, such as cardboard tubes or leaf litter, is important for their overall well-being.
  • Uses in Research and Education: Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches have gained popularity in scientific research due to their large size, ease of handling, and the fact that they are not known to transmit diseases. They are also used as educational tools to teach students about insect biology and conservation.

Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches are fascinating creatures with unique characteristics that make them stand out among other cockroach species. Their docile nature, distinct hissing sound, and relatively long lifespan make them a popular choice for both insect enthusiasts and educational purposes.

Whether you find them captivating or creepy, there’s no denying their importance in the world of entomology.

Flying Cockroaches

Flying cockroaches are a type of cockroach that can take to the air, allowing them to cover larger distances and potentially infest multiple areas. They are known for their ability to fly and are often found in warm, tropical climates.

Flying Cockroaches

Flying cockroaches, also known as Palmetto bugs or American cockroaches, are a common nuisance in many households. These insects, with their ability to sustain flight for short distances, can be quite unsettling. Understanding their behavior and characteristics can help you better deal with these unwelcome visitors.

Here are some key points about flying cockroaches:

  • Identification: Flying cockroaches are larger in size compared to other species and can measure up to 2 inches. They have reddish-brown bodies with a yellowish figure-eight pattern on the thorax. The wings, which cover the abdomen, allow them to fly short distances.
  • Habitat: Flying cockroaches prefer warm and humid environments. They are often found in dark and moist places such as basements, bathrooms, and drains. These insects can also thrive outdoors in leaf litter, mulch, and compost piles.
  • Flight Capabilities: While most cockroaches have wings, not all can fly. Flying cockroaches have well-developed wings that allow them to fly vertically or horizontally for short distances. However, their flight is not as agile or sustained as other flying insects like flies or bees.
  • Risk Factors: Although flying cockroaches are not inherently dangerous, their presence can indicate an underlying pest infestation in your home. They can contaminate food, trigger allergies, and exacerbate asthma symptoms. Moreover, the sight of flying cockroaches can cause distress and anxiety for many individuals.
  • Prevention: To prevent flying cockroaches from invading your space, it is important to minimize their access to food, water, and hiding places. Regularly clean up food crumbs, fix leaky pipes, seal cracks and crevices, and maintain proper sanitation. If you suspect an infestation, it is advisable to seek professional pest control assistance.

Remember, flying cockroaches may find their way into your home or business from time to time. However, with proactive prevention measures in place, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of encountering these airborne pests.

By understanding the behavior and characteristics of flying cockroaches, you can take appropriate measures to prevent their intrusion, ensuring a cleaner and safer living environment for you and your family.

FAQs On Types Of Cockroaches

What Are The Most Common Types Of Cockroaches?

The three most common types of cockroaches are the German cockroach, American cockroach, and Oriental cockroach. These species are known for their ability to adapt to various environments and their notorious scavenging behavior.

How Do I Identify A German Cockroach?

German cockroaches are smaller in size, usually tan or light brown in color, and have two dark parallel stripes on their back. They are commonly found in kitchens and bathrooms, and are known to reproduce rapidly if not properly controlled.

What Are The Dangers Of Having Cockroaches In My Home?

Cockroaches can pose serious health risks as they carry bacteria, viruses, and allergens. They can contaminate food and surfaces, causing food poisoning and asthma or allergy symptoms. It is important to take immediate action to eliminate cockroach infestations to protect your health and well-being.


Overall, understanding the different types of cockroaches is crucial for effective pest control. These resilient creatures have adapted to various environments, but certain species like the German cockroach and American cockroach are particularly common and troublesome. The German cockroach, with its ability to reproduce rapidly and inhabit even the cleanest homes, demands immediate attention.

On the other hand, the American cockroach’s outdoor origins make it more likely to enter buildings in search of food and water. While these two species may cause the most concern, it is important not to overlook other types of cockroaches such as the Oriental cockroach and the Brown-banded cockroach, as they too can infest homes and pose health risks.

By identifying and understanding the different types of cockroaches, you can take the appropriate measures to prevent and eliminate infestations, creating a safer and more comfortable living environment for you and your family.

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