Dubia Cockroach Details Info

The Dubia cockroach (Blaptica dubia) is a popular feeder insect for reptiles and other exotic pets. It is considered an ideal choice due to its nutritional value, ease of care, and slow movement, making it an effortless prey item for captive animals.

Dubia cockroaches are commonly chosen over other species like the common house cockroach because they are less likely to carry diseases or parasites that could harm the animals consuming them. They are also rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals, providing a well-rounded diet for reptiles.

We will explore the characteristics, benefits, and care requirements of Dubia cockroaches, making it easier for pet owners to make an informed decision in choosing the best feeder insect for their beloved pets.

What Is Dubia Cockroach?

Dubia Cockroach, also known as the orange-spotted roach, is a popular feeder insect for reptiles. With its low maintenance, slow-moving nature, and rich nutritional value, it has become a favorite choice among pet owners and reptile enthusiasts. These roaches thrive in warm and humid environments, making them an ideal addition to your reptile’s diet.

What Is Dubia Cockroach

Dubia cockroach, scientifically known as Blaptica dubia, is a fascinating insect that belongs to the family Blaberidae. Originating from Central and South America, this species of cockroach has gained popularity as a pet feeder insect and is commonly used to feed various reptiles, amphibians, and arachnids.

With its unique characteristics and benefits, the Dubia cockroach has become a preferred choice among pet owners and breeders alike.

Dubia Cockroach: Key Features And Facts

  • Size: The Dubia cockroach is relatively large compared to other common cockroach species, growing up to 1.5-2 inches in length.
  • Lifespan: On average, these cockroaches have a longer lifespan compared to other species, with adult males living for about 6-12 months and adult females living for about 12-24 months.
  • Appearance: The Dubia cockroach has a dark brown exoskeleton with distinct markings. Males have full wings and can fly short distances, while females have vestigial wings and are flightless.
  • Reproduction: The reproductive cycle of Dubia cockroaches is relatively slow compared to other species. Females produce one egg case (ootheca) every 4-6 weeks, with each case containing around 30-40 eggs. The incubation period lasts for approximately 60-75 days.
  • Nutritional profile: Dubia cockroaches are highly nutritious, making them an excellent choice for feeding reptiles and other pets. They are rich in protein, low in fat, and have a favorable calcium-to-phosphorus ratio.
  • Minimal odor and noise: Unlike some other species of cockroaches, Dubia cockroaches are known for their minimal odor and noise levels, which makes them ideal for keeping as pets.

The Benefits Of Using Dubia Cockroaches As Feeders

  • Nutritional value: These cockroaches offer a well-balanced and nutrient-rich diet for reptiles, amphibians, and arachnids. Their high protein content helps promote healthy growth and vibrant colors in reptiles, while their soft exoskeleton makes them easier to digest.
  • Easy handling: Dubia cockroaches are generally easy to handle due to their slower movements and calm nature. This makes them less likely to stress or harm the pets consuming them.
  • Low maintenance: Maintaining a Dubia cockroach colony requires minimal effort and resources. They have low moisture requirements and can thrive in a wide range of temperatures, making them a cost-effective choice for breeders.
  • Reduced risk of disease transfer: Compared to crickets and other feeder insects, Dubia cockroaches have a lower risk of transmitting diseases to the pets consuming them. This is because they are less likely to come into contact with harmful pathogens in their environment.
  • Longevity: Dubia cockroaches have a longer lifespan compared to other feeder insects, which means that pet owners can establish a stable and sustainable food source without frequent replacements.

Dubia cockroaches are a highly beneficial, low-maintenance, and nutritious choice for feeding reptiles, amphibians, and arachnids. With their unique features and advantages, they have become a popular choice among pet owners and breeders, providing an essential source of nutrition for a wide range of pets.

Incredible Dubia Cockroach Facts

Dubia cockroaches are fascinating creatures with incredible abilities. These resilient insects can survive without food for weeks, reproduce rapidly, and are low-maintenance pets due to their non-aggressive nature and minimal odor. They are also a common choice for reptile owners, as they are an excellent source of nutrition.

Dubia cockroaches may not be everyone’s favorite critter, but these fascinating insects have some incredible facts that might just change your perception about them. From their unique characteristics to their intriguing habits, let’s dive into the world of Dubia cockroaches:


  • Dubia cockroaches are highly adaptable creatures that can survive in a wide range of environments, from tropical climates to deserts.
  • They have the ability to withstand extreme temperatures, making them resilient and adaptable to various conditions.

Size Matters:

  • These roaches are comparatively larger than other common cockroach species, reaching lengths of up to 2 inches.
  • Their larger size makes them easier to handle and they are less likely to escape.

Nutritional Powerhouses:

  • Dubia cockroaches are highly nutritious, making them an excellent dietary choice for reptiles, birds, and other insectivores.
  • They are packed with protein and essential amino acids, providing a balanced diet for a variety of pets.

Silent And Clean:

  • Unlike other roaches, Dubias are not known for their noisy habits, making them a more pleasant option for those who find the idea of chirping cockroaches less inviting.
  • They are also clean insects, not emitting any strong odors, which adds to their appeal as pets.

Slow Movers:

  • Dubia cockroaches are not known for their agility, rather they move at a leisurely pace.
  • This makes them less likely to escape from their enclosure and easier to catch for feeding.

Low Maintenance:

  • Compared to other feeder insects, Dubia cockroaches require minimal care and effort to raise and breed.
  • They have a slow growth rate and do not produce large numbers of offspring, making them easier to control and manage.


  • Unlike some other cockroach species, Dubia cockroaches are not known for infesting homes or causing damage to property.
  • They can be kept as pets without the worry of an infestation in your living spaces.


  • Dubia cockroaches have a relatively long lifespan compared to other roaches, with some individuals living up to two years.
  • This extended lifespan makes them a cost-effective option for pet owners who require a consistent source of feeder insects.

Environmental Benefit:

  • Despite their less-than-favorable reputation, Dubia cockroaches play a vital role in the ecosystem as decomposers.
  • They help break down organic matter, contributing to the recycling of nutrients in their natural habitat.

Sustainable Breeding:

  • Due to their slower reproduction rate, Dubia cockroaches are more sustainable for breeding purposes compared to other roach species.
  • This aspect makes them a preferred choice for reptile owners who wish to breed their own feeder insects.

Whether you find Dubia cockroaches fascinating or not, learning about their incredible facts can give you a deeper understanding of the diverse natural world around us. So, next time you come across these intriguing insects, take a moment to appreciate their unique qualities.

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Dubia Cockroach Species, Types, And Scientific Name

The Dubia cockroach, scientifically known as Blaptica dubia, is a popular species often kept as a feeder insect for reptiles and amphibians. With its low maintenance requirements and high nutritional value, it has become a preferred choice for pet owners and breeders alike.

Dubia Cockroach Species, Types, And Scientific Name

With thousands of species of cockroaches spread across the world, the Dubia cockroach stands out as a unique and fascinating type of cockroach. In this section, we will explore the different species and types of Dubia cockroaches, as well as their scientific name.

Species Of Dubia Cockroach:

The Dubia cockroach, also known as Blaptica dubia, falls under the family Blaberidae. It is a tropical species that is commonly found in Central and South America. Here are some important species of Dubia cockroaches:

  • Blaptica dubia: This is the most well-known and widely distributed species of Dubia cockroach. It is also commonly referred to as the “orange-spotted roach” or “Dubia roach.”
  • Blaberus discoidales: Another species of Dubia cockroach, the Blaberus discoidales, has gained popularity as a feeder insect for reptiles and amphibians due to its high nutritional value.
  • Blaberus craniifer: The Blaberus craniifer, also known as the “hissing cockroach,” is a large species of Dubia cockroach that emits a distinctive hissing sound when threatened.

Types Of Dubia Cockroach:

Dubia cockroaches come in various sizes and colors, offering a diverse range of options for enthusiasts and pet owners. Here are some notable types of Dubia cockroaches:

  • Standard Dubia cockroach: This is the most common type of Dubia cockroach, characterized by its orange-brown color and medium size.
  • Albino Dubia cockroach: As the name suggests, the Albino Dubia cockroach lacks pigmentation, resulting in a striking white appearance. It is a favored choice for those who prefer unique-looking pets.
  • Black Dubia cockroach: The Black Dubia cockroach is visually distinctive, with a dark coloration that sets it apart from other varieties. It is often preferred by enthusiasts looking to add a touch of elegance to their collections.
  • Giant Dubia cockroach: For those seeking an impressive display insect, the Giant Dubia cockroach fits the bill. As its name implies, this variety is significantly larger in size compared to the standard Dubia cockroach.

How To Identify Dubia Cockroaches

Dubia cockroaches can be identified by their oval-shaped bodies, dark brown color, and lack of wings in females. They also have long antennae and a distinctive hissing sound.

Dubia cockroaches, scientifically known as Blaptica dubia, are an intriguing species of insect that have gained popularity in the reptile-keeping community as a staple feeder. If you’re a reptile enthusiast or simply curious about these fascinating creatures, it’s essential to be able to identify dubia cockroaches accurately.

Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you recognize them easily:

Physical Characteristics

Dubia cockroaches possess unique physical features that set them apart from other roach species. Here are the key characteristics to look for:

  • Size: Adult dubia cockroaches typically measure between 1.2 and 2 inches in length, making them larger than many common household roaches.
  • Coloration: Their exoskeleton displays a dark brown to black hue, with a glossy appearance.
  • Wings: Unlike some roaches, dubia cockroaches are flightless. Both male and female individuals possess short, underdeveloped wings that do not allow them to fly.
  • Nymphs: Dubia cockroach nymphs have a paler coloration compared to adults and are wingless.

Physical Features

To further ensure accurate identification, consider observing the unique physical features of dubia cockroaches. These features include:

  • Pronotum: Dubia cockroaches have a distinctive pronotum, which is the plate-like structure that covers the thorax. It appears dark brown, has a slightly raised appearance, and may exhibit a ridged or bumpy texture.
  • Carapace: The carapace, or head shield, of dubia cockroaches is relatively large, extending forward and covering the head.

Behavioral Traits

Apart from their physical attributes, dubia cockroaches exhibit specific behavioral traits that can help you identify them. Pay attention to the following behaviors:

  • Nocturnal activity: Like many other roach species, dubia cockroaches are primarily active during the night and tend to be more elusive during the day.
  • Avoidance of light: They have a natural aversion to bright light, seeking out dark and secluded environments.
  • Steady movement: Dubia cockroaches move slowly and deliberately, often crawling rather than scurrying.

With their distinct physical characteristics and unique behaviors, dubia cockroaches stand out from other roach species. By familiarizing yourself with their key features and observing their behavior, you can confidently identify these fascinating insects. So, the next time you come across a roach-like creature, be sure to apply your newfound knowledge to ascertain whether it’s a dubia cockroach.

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Life Cycle Dubia Cockroach

The life cycle of the Dubia Cockroach involves distinct stages, from egg to nymph to adult. This fascinating process showcases the development and growth of these hardy insects. Learn more about the life cycle of the Dubia Cockroach and understand the different phases it goes through.

Life Cycle Dubia Cockroach

Dubia cockroaches have a fascinating life cycle that goes through several distinct stages. Understanding their life cycle can provide insights into their behavior and help in their management. Let’s take a closer look at the life cycle of the Dubia cockroach:

Egg Stage:

  • Dubia cockroaches begin their life cycle as oval-shaped eggs.
  • The eggs are usually dark brown or black in color and about 3 to 4 mm long.
  • Females produce egg cases called oothecae, which contain multiple eggs.
  • The oothecae are carried by the female until the eggs are ready to hatch.

Nymph Stage:

  • Once the eggs hatch, nymphs emerge from the oothecae.
  • The nymphs are miniature versions of adult cockroaches but lack wings.
  • They are white in color initially and gradually darken as they molt and grow.
  • During this stage, nymphs go through several molts, shedding their exoskeletons to accommodate their growing bodies.

Adult Stage:

  • After multiple molts, the nymphs finally reach adulthood.
  • Adult Dubia cockroaches are larger in size, measuring around 3 cm in length.
  • They have a shiny, dark brown to black exoskeleton.
  • Males can be distinguished from females by their smaller size and thinner abdomen.


  • Dubia cockroaches are ovoviviparous, meaning they give birth to live young ones.
  • Female cockroaches can continue to produce oothecae throughout their adult life.
  • They can produce oothecae even without mating, a process known as parthenogenesis.
  • Mating occurs when males use their cerci (appendages) to court females.

Environmental Factors:

  • The life cycle of Dubia cockroaches is influenced by various environmental factors.
  • Optimal temperature and humidity levels are crucial for their growth and reproduction.
  • They inhabit warm and humid areas, thriving in temperatures between 80 to 95°F (26 to 35°C).

Understanding the life cycle of Dubia cockroaches can be useful for those involved in their breeding, as well as for pest control purposes. By knowing the different stages of the life cycle, it becomes possible to manage populations and prevent infestations more effectively.

Habitat Of Dubia Cockroach

The habitat of Dubia cockroaches is typically warm and humid environments, such as tropical rainforests. These cockroaches are commonly found hiding in dark and moist places, like under decaying logs or in the leaf litter on the forest floor. They prefer these types of habitats for their survival and reproduction.

Dubia cockroaches (Blaptica dubia), also known as the Guyana orange spotted roach, are fascinating creatures that thrive in specific habitats. Let’s explore the habitat of the Dubia cockroach and understand their preferred living conditions.

1. Natural Range:

  • Dubia cockroaches are native to the tropical rainforests of Central and South America.
  • They can be found in countries such as Guyana, Suriname, Brazil, and Venezuela.
  • In these regions, Dubia cockroaches inhabit the forest floor, making use of fallen leaves and decaying logs for shelter.

2. Climate Preference:

  • Dubia cockroaches thrive in warm and humid environments.
  • They prefer temperatures ranging from 80 to 95°F (27 to 35°C), with a humidity level of 60 to 80 percent.
  • These climatic conditions resemble their natural habitat in the rainforests.

3. Artificial Habitats:

  • Due to their popularity as feeder insects for reptiles, Dubia cockroaches are also commonly bred in captivity.
  • Artificial habitats such as plastic containers or glass terrariums are used to house them.
  • These enclosures mimic the optimal temperature and humidity levels required for their well-being.

4. Shelter And Substrate:

  • Dubia cockroaches need hiding places to feel secure.
  • In their natural habitat, they seek shelter under moist leaf litter and decaying wood.
  • Providing similar shelter options in their enclosures, such as egg crates or hollow bark, is essential for their physical and psychological well-being.

5. Nutritional Requirements:

  • Dubia cockroaches are detritivores, meaning they feed on decaying organic matter.
  • The availability of food sources, such as fruits, vegetables, and leaf litter, is crucial to their survival.
  • In captivity, it’s important to provide them with a balanced diet consisting of fresh fruits, vegetables, and high-quality commercial roach chow.

6. Water Source:

  • Like all living organisms, Dubia cockroaches require access to water.
  • They obtain most of their hydration from the food they consume.
  • However, it’s recommended to provide a water source such as a shallow dish with a sponge or water crystals to ensure they have enough water available.

7. Suitable Lighting:

  • Dubia cockroaches are nocturnal creatures and prefer low light levels during the day.
  • Providing a natural day-night cycle with a dark period of 8-12 hours is essential for their well-being.

Understanding the habitat requirements of Dubia cockroaches is crucial for their successful breeding and maintenance, whether in their natural rainforest environments or in captive settings. By replicating their preferred conditions, we can ensure their longevity and well-being.

What Eats The Dubia Cockroach?

Dubia cockroaches are commonly eaten by reptiles and amphibians, such as bearded dragons and leopard geckos. These creatures see the roaches as a tasty and nutritious treat, making them a popular choice for pet owners looking to provide a natural diet for their reptilian companions.

Dubia cockroaches, also known as Guyana orange spotted roaches, are popular feeder insects among reptile owners and breeders due to their high nutritional value and easy maintenance. However, they are not invincible and can become prey for various animals and insects in the wild.

In this section, we will explore the natural predators of Dubia cockroaches.

Predators Of Dubia Cockroaches:

  • Birds: Many bird species, including chickens, ducks, turkeys, and quails, find Dubia cockroaches to be a delicious snack. These birds have a keen eye for spotting small insects like Dubia cockroaches crawling on the ground or in vegetation. Once identified, birds swiftly swoop down to catch and devour them.
  • Lizards: In the wild, lizards are frequent consumers of Dubia cockroaches. Lizards such as bearded dragons, leopard geckos, iguanas, and anoles are known to relish these roaches. Their ability to climb trees or walls allows them to hunt down Dubia cockroaches with ease.
  • Frogs and toads: These amphibians have a voracious appetite for insects, including Dubia cockroaches. American bullfrogs, fire-bellied toads, and African dwarf frogs are a few examples of amphibians that prey on Dubia roaches near bodies of water or damp areas.
  • Spiders: Spiders are efficient hunters that catch prey, including Dubia cockroaches, in their webs. Species like orb-weavers, wolf spiders, and jumping spiders can snatch unsuspecting roaches passing by their intricately constructed webs.
  • Insects: Aside from being prey, Dubia cockroaches can also face competition from other insects. Ants, mantises, assassin bugs, and ground beetles are known to hunt and consume Dubia cockroaches when given the opportunity.
  • Small mammals: Although less common, some small mammals like rodents and shrews may occasionally feed on Dubia cockroaches. These mammals may encounter Dubia roaches near their habitat or during foraging activities.

Remember, in the controlled environment of a Dubia cockroach colony, where they are used as feeder insects, their natural predators are kept at bay. However, in the wild or non-controlled settings, these predators play an essential role in keeping the Dubia cockroach population in check.

So, while Dubia cockroaches may serve as a nutritious meal for your reptiles, it’s essential to remember their role in the ecosystem where they serve as a food source for various creatures. Understanding the natural predators of the Dubia cockroach can help us appreciate their place in the circle of life.

How To Breed Dubia Roaches

Discover how to breed Dubia roaches with this simple and comprehensive guide. From setting up the perfect environment to feeding and maintaining the colony, learn effective techniques for breeding these resilient and nutritious Dubia cockroaches.

Breeding Dubia roaches can be a rewarding and cost-effective way to ensure a steady supply of these nutritious feeders for your reptiles or other pets. Here are some essential steps to successfully breed Dubia roaches:

Setting Up The Breeding Container:

  • Choose a container with smooth sides, such as a plastic tub or storage bin, to prevent the roaches from escaping.
  • Ensure the container has adequate ventilation, either through small holes drilled in the sides or a mesh screen fitted on the lid.
  • Place an inch or two of substrate at the bottom of the container. Coconut fiber, paper towels, or egg cartons make excellent options.

Providing The Right Conditions:

  • Maintain a temperature between 85°F and 95°F (29°C and 35°C) to promote optimal roach breeding.
  • Keep the humidity level between 40% and 60% to prevent the roaches’ exoskeleton from drying out and to aid in the molting process.
  • Place a heat mat or heat tape under the container for consistent heat distribution.

Feeding And Hydration:

  • Offer a well-balanced diet to ensure the health and reproduction of your Dubia roaches. A combination of high-quality dry roach feed, fresh fruits and vegetables, and occasional protein sources is recommended.
  • Provide a shallow dish or water gel crystals to keep the roaches hydrated. Make sure the water source is easily accessible for them.

Breeding Colony Size:

  • Start with a small group of adult Dubia roaches, consisting of around 20 females and 10 males, to initiate breeding.
  • As the colony grows, you can gradually increase the number of roaches to maintain a breeding population.

Separating The Egg Laying Females:

  • Regularly check the container for egg cases, also known as oothecae. These look like small, dark brown capsules.
  • Carefully remove the oothecae and transfer them to a separate incubation container filled with slightly moist substrate.
  • Keep the incubation container in a warm and humid environment and check for hatching nymphs after approximately 40 days.

Providing Optimal Care For Nymphs:

  • After the nymphs hatch, ensure they have access to a small, shallow dish of water and a variety of small food sources.
  • Maintain the appropriate temperature and humidity levels for their growth and development.
  • As the nymphs mature, separate them by size to prevent cannibalism and facilitate overall colony management.

Monitoring And Maintenance:

  • Regularly inspect the breeding container to remove any deceased roaches, waste, or moldy food.
  • Maintain a clean and hygienic environment to prevent the spread of diseases and ensure the health of your colony.

Breeding Dubia roaches may require time and patience, but with proper care and management, you can establish a thriving colony that will provide a sustainable food source for your pets.

FAQs For Dubia Cockroach

Why Are Dubia Roaches Illegal?

Dubia roaches are illegal in some areas due to potential risks of escape and becoming invasive pests.

Are Dubia Roaches Harmful?

Dubia roaches are not harmful to humans as they do not bite or carry diseases.

What Does A Dubia Roach Turn Into?

A Dubia roach transforms into an adult roach after undergoing a series of molts.

What Is The Difference Between A Dubia Roach And A Cockroach?

Dubia roaches and cockroaches are similar, but dubia roaches are often used as feeders for pets due to their nutritional value.

Q: What Do Dubia Cockroaches Eat?

A: Dubia cockroaches primarily feed on fruits, vegetables, and high-protein foods like dog food.


The Dubia cockroach is a fascinating insect that has gained popularity in recent years for its unique characteristics and benefits. As we have explored throughout this blog post, these cockroaches are excellent pets for reptile owners due to their nutritional value, ease of care, and lack of harmful odors.

In addition to being a great food source for pets, Dubia cockroaches are also environmentally friendly, as they can efficiently manage organic waste and reduce the need for chemical pest control methods. Their quiet and low-maintenance nature make them a suitable choice for people living in apartments or small spaces.

If you’re considering adding a new pet to your household or looking for an effective solution to managing organic waste, the Dubia cockroach may be the perfect choice for you. Embrace the incredible world of Dubia cockroaches and enjoy the numerous benefits they have to offer.

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